New publication on pilot study "Health and Support in Times of Corona"

New publication on pilot study "Health and Support in Times of Corona"
The health risks, social as well as mental consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic are unequally distributed across the population. A pilot study at TU Dortmund University examined in early summer 2020 changes in support and well-being among older people against the background of the COVID-19 pandemic. Based on the results of this study, an article has just been published Open Access in “Zeitschrift für Gerontologie und Geriatrie":
Brandt, M., Garten, C., Grates, M. et al. Veränderungen von Wohlbefinden und privater Unterstützung für Ältere: ein Blick auf die Auswirkungen der COVID-19-Pandemie im Frühsommer 2020. Z Gerontol Geriat (2021).