New Publication: Gesundheit im Alter: Stand der Forschung und methodische Herausforderungen

Gesundheit im Alter: Stand der Forschung und methodische Herausforderungen
"Gesundheit im Alter: Stand der Forschung und methodische Herausforderungen" (Health in Old Age: State of Research and Methodological Challenges), an article by Patrick Lazarevič, Alina Schmitz, Martina Brandt, and Judith Kaschowitz published in „Psychotherapeuten und das Altern“ (Psychotherapists and aging) (Eds.: Bernhard Strauß and Carsten Spitzer), provides an overview of the state of sociological health research with regard to theoretical perspectives and current research findings on health in old age. Selected methodological challenges of quantitative-empirical aging research as well as resulting further research implications are discussed.