New Publication: Gesundheit – Teilhabechancen – Diskriminierungsrisiken

In the new book publication „Gesundheit – Teilhabechancen – Diskriminierungsrisiken: Health in All Policies als Querschnittsaufgabe bei Beeinträchtigungen und Behinderung“ by Elisabeth Wacker, Iris Becker, Martina Brandt, Swantje Köbsell, Sonia Lippke and Mathilde Niehaus, debates on the development of the health care system are discussed. In this context, the publication draws attention to the close link between social participation and health. It points to risks of exclusion and isolation, highlights experiences from the corona pandemic, and opens up ways to reduce social exclusion caused by disadvantages, including for demographic change. Multiple scientific expertise (from the scientific board of the national report on participation) and forward-looking professional debates are underpinned by the latest data and a view of the global health goals.