Young researchers workshop of the DGGG Section III on 11.09.2022 with Alina Schmitz

Whether it is a dissertation, master's thesis, abstract, or scientific article - writing is an essential part of the research process! But starting with the question of how to best motivate yourself to write, all the way to publication, there are some challenges. The workshop will include strategies for organizing the writing process. Along with content input, there will also be space to answer questions and network.
The workshop will take place the day before the joint annual congress of the German Society for Gerontology and Geriatrics (DGGG) in Frankfurt am Main (Sept. 11, 2022) and will be organized and moderated by Angélique Herrler, Melanie Zirves (University of Cologne) and Dr. Alina Schmitz (TU Dortmund).
The workshop is primarily addressed to advanced Master students, PhD students and members of Section III, but early PostDocs or members of other sections can also apply.
More information and the option to register can be found here (only in German)