Event Digital Talk/Talk at Midday with Prof. Dr. Martina Brandt

What changes are emerging in the context of social inequality, care and well-being in old age in Europe? In the course of an ageing population, support needs and potentials are changing worldwide. How to address growing inequalities in generational solidarity and social support in social policy terms has been a central question not only since Covid-19. Informal, private care is an important social resource, but at the same time it represents a new, yet underexposed dimension of social inequality: Caregiving responsibilities and burdens are unequally distributed socially. However, the constellation of caregiving and the socio-political context are crucial for the effects on health and well-being of family caregivers.
The presentation will use international projects to present recent findings on the relationship between inequality, caregiving and well-being in times of social change and Covid-19. Fields of action and options will be identified on how developments can be positively influenced by preventive and intervening measures across the life course.
The presentation will take place on 17 November 2021 from 4.30 - 6 p.m. digitally. We cordially invite all who are interested!
Zoom Link:
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