Presentation of the Ninth Ageing Report chaired by Prof. Dr. Martina Brandt

The report titled ‘Growing old in Germany - Diversity of potential and inequality of participation opportunities’ shows the diversity of the life situations of older people and the extent to which their participation opportunities are unequally distributed. To this end, aspects such as material situation, employment, social participation, housing, social integration and health care are analysed. The interaction of other inequality characteristics is also analysed, thereby addressing disadvantages at an individual level. The report is also dedicated to the causes and forms of age discrimination and focuses in particular on the situations of older people with a history of migration and older LGBTI people.
The report is expected to be submitted and published at the end of 2024 together with a statement from the Federal Government.
Further information and the members of the commission can be found on the website of the Ninth Ageing Report.