Research projects
Ongoing projects

Doctoral program: New challenges in aging societies
The research training group studies the new challenges caused by demographic change for individuals, families, and societies.

Research project: SHARE-COHESION
The EU-funded SHARE-COHESION project supports a research infrastructure that aims to better understand the challenges of the ageing process in the EU Member States.

Research project: FAIR
FAIR focuses on the development and application of innovative research methods from the data sciences and uses them to address societal challenges in highly relevant areas.

Research project: Educational mobility in families
The research project focuses on the consequences of educational mobility for life courses, family relationships, and subjective well-being.

Research project: GEN-MIGRA
The project examines the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the mobility and well-being of migrant women by analyzing gendered migration in the context of violence, vulnerability and agency in transnational spaces.
Completed projects

Minerva School: Social networks and health inequalities in ageing societies
The Minerva School "Social networks and health inequalities in ageing societies" aims to establish an interdisciplinary research cooperation between scientists from Germany and Israel and to set the foundation for future research projects.

Research project: Plug-In
Plug-In investigates, among others, the consequences of implementing a developed assistance system at micro and macro level.

Research project: AGE-WELL
AGE-WELL investigates social inequalities over the life course and determinants of well-being in different national and regional contexts

Research project: IN-CARE
IN-CARE investigates whether and how different long-term care systems and recent reforms of long-term care within Europe and Japan are related to socioeconomic differences in the use of formal and informal care, health and well-being in later life.

Research project: Health and support in times of corona
The pilot study investigates, among others, how the COVID-19 pandemic affects the health situation, as well as the support provided and received by people in middle and later adulthood.

Research project: Truth or report?
The project investigates which health-related and non-health-related factors affect the evaluation of one's own health and whether these correlations differ according to age and gender.