Welcome to the website of the chair for »Social Structure and Sociology of Ageing Societies
Information event for the Master's programme Ageing Societies
Interested in the Master's degree programme Ageing Societies? Find out more at our online info event on 24 September 2024 at 11 am!
Chair colloquium with nine internal and external PhD students and post-docs
A Chair Colloquium was held on 6 September to present and discuss current projects.
New Book Chapter on Care in Migrant Families Published
A recently published chapter titled makes a significant contribution to the study of care in migrant families.
Opening party for the doctoral college "Challenges in ageing societies" on 21.06.2024
The opening party of the doctoral program "New Challenges in Ageing Societies" took place on the premises of DASA in Dortmund.
Successful workshop on "Digital Trace Data in Social Science Research"
From June 26 to 28, 2024, the workshop "Digital Trace Data in Social Science Research," organized by the interdisciplinary research area FAIR, took…
Presentation of the Ninth Ageing Report chaired by Prof. Dr. Martina Brandt
On 11 July 2024, the expert commission presented the Ninth Ageing Report to Federal Minister for Senior Citizens Lisa Paus.
Two new publications
Claudius Garten has released two new publications together with Michal Myck and Monika Oczkowska.
Welcome to the team!
We welcomed two new assistants in June.
Next information event on the Master's degree programme in Ageing Societies on 17 June 2024
Are you interested in topics such as demographic change, lifelong learning, social participation, diversity and housing and lifestyles in old age?
Online information event on the Master's degree program in Ageing Societies
Are you interested in topics such as demographic change, lifelong learning, social participation, diversity and housing and lifestyles in old age?
Dr. Alina Schmitz as a speaker at the 4th symposium of the federal program Mehrgenerationenhaus
The talk is titled "Health and opportunities for participation in times of growing social inequality".
FAIR Workshop on "Digital Trace Data in Social Science Research"
The interdisciplinary research area FAIR organizes a three-day workshop on Digital Trace Data in Social Science Research.
External visit at the chair colloquium
Chair colloquium with nine internal and external doctoral students and post-docs
Looking back on the spring conference "Age(ing) and Health"
From 29.02-01.03, the joint conference of the two DGS sections "Age(ing) and Society" and "Medical and Health Sociology" took place.
Admission of Dr. Alina Schmitz to the Scholarship Program for Postdoctoral Researchers and Junior Professors by the Daimler and Benz Foundation
We congratulate Dr. Alina Schmitz on this scholarship!
Project funding by the TU Dortmund Young Academy for Dr. Alina Schmitz
Current information on the joint spring conference: Age(ing) and Health: Sociological Theories and Current Findings
New Publication: Intergenerational solidarity in a developing welfare state: The case of South Korea
New publication by Martin Gurín and Martina Brandt
Henrik Laumert receives Best of the Year Award 2023!
Preliminary program: Age(ing) and Health: Sociological Theories and Current Findings
We cordially invite all who are interested! Registration until 19.01.2024.
Digital expert discussion "Growing old in Germany - potential and opportunities for participation" with Prof. Dr. Martina Brandt
SZ article "Germany, your future" with Prof. Dr. Martina Brandt among others
How does demographic change affect the way we live together?
New Publication: Gesundheit – Teilhabechancen – Diskriminierungsrisiken
Keynote by Prof. Martina Brandt at the 8th International Conference "Work and Health“
German-Israeli Minerva School in 2023
New Publication: Gesundheit im Alter: Stand der Forschung und methodische Herausforderungen
New publication: „From attitudes to social networks: National gender-role attitudes and gender differences in late-life social relationships“
Alina Schmitz has published a new publication together with Ella Cohn-Schwartz.
Call for Papers: Age(ing) and Health: Sociological Theories and Current Findings
Welcome to our team!
Second Application phase of the doctoral program "New challenges in aging societies" - Apply now!
FAZ article "Aging: Curse or Blessing?" with Prof. Dr. Martina Brandt, among others.
Welcome to our team!
New Publication: Wealth inequalities in physical and cognitive impairments across Japan and Europe: the role of health expenditure and infrastructure
Podcast episode "Too young! Too old! What separates generations" with Martina Brandt, among others
„TU Dortmund in Conversation“ with Martina Brandt and Cornelius Schubert
Information event Master's program Aging Societies
Are you interested in topics such as diversity in old age, learning in old age, social participation and housing and living arrangements in old age?