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Fakultät Sozialwissenschaften

Welcome to the website of the chair for »Social Structure and Sociology of Ageing Societies


The Chair's team presents its new social media presence.

The Instagram and LinkedIn accounts were officially launched on 08.01.2025.
The chair logo is located in the middle between the Instagram logo on the left and the Linkedin logo on the right.

Doctoral candidates' day 2025

Today, the Chair of Social Structure and Sociology of Ageing Societies held its annual Doctoral Candidates' Day.

Imran Sabir researches as Senior Fellow with Martina Brandt at the UA Ruhr College

We are pleased to welcome Imran Sabir as Senior Fellow of the International Fellowship Program of the UA Ruhr!

International Women's Day 2025

On 8 March, we celebrate International Women's Day - a day that draws attention to women's rights and the need for equality.

29 February is Equal Care Day

Women in Germany provide 44,3 % more unpaid care work than men according to BMFSFJ - a burden that is often overlooked.
Symbolic image: Silhouettes of a woman and a man.

Our team at the 10th Community, Work & Family Conference 2025!

From 25 to 28 March, the international Community, Work & Family Conference will take place at Bielefeld University.
A signpost to Bielefeld University (symbolic image)

February is LGBTIQ* History Month

This British tradition is intended to commemorate the chequered history of people who do not fit into the concept of heterosexual lifestyles.
Rainbow flags fly in Reykjavik.

Recap of our mixed methods workshop

On 31 January 2025, our Mixed Methods Workshop took place at TU Dortmund University as part of the Hans Böckler Stiftung's doctoral programme.
On a table are pads and sheets, a tray used by one hand.

Interesting online seminar with Prof Dr Martina Brandt

Social integration is a decisive factor for well-being in old age. Yet, how does it differ between European countries?

World Education Day 2025

On today's World Education Day, we would like to focus on the importance of lifelong learning - especially in a changing world of work.

GeReAlt joint research project launched.

The joint research project ‘Interactions between health and retirement’ was launched on 1 January 2025.

Handbook article by Carolin Kunz and Martina Brandt published.

The article was published in the ‘Handbuch Sozialstrukturanalyse’ by Petra Böhnke and Dirk Konietzka.
Book cover of the Handbuch Sozialstrukturanalyse.

Presentation by Prof. Dr. Martina Brandt in Berlin (09-01-2025)

On 09 January, Prof. Dr. Martina Brandt presented her research at the LIFE Seminar in Berlin.
Front view of the Max Planck Institute for Human Development in Berlin.

The last weeks of the lecture period for the winter semester 2024/25 have begun.

The team is full of energy for the final spurt of the semester!
Symbolic image of a black and white patterned target flag waving in the wind. A cloudy sky can be seen in the background.

Now published: The Ninth Report on Ageing!

The ninth report on ageing was published on January 8, 2025.
Prof. Dr. Martina Brandt together with Lisa Paus, Federal Minister for Senior Citizens, at the presentation of the Ninth Report on Ageing at the press conference.

Elected speaker of the section Medical and Health Sociology of the German Sociological Association (DGS)

Dr Alina Schmitz has been elected as a speaker of the Medicine and Health Sociology Section of the German Sociological Association (DGS) on 22…
Portrait Alina Schmitz

New publication: No socioeconomic inequalities in mortality among Catholic monks

Alina Schmitz has published a new paper together with Patrick Lazarevič (Statistics Austria) and Marc Luy (Vienna Institute of Demography).
Close-up of a monk reading the Bible and holding a rosary.

Invitation to guest lectures as part of the seminar “Quantitative research designs”

We are pleased to be able to offer a series of guest lectures as part of the seminar “Quantitative research designs”.
Five students sitting in the seminar room at the table. A female student raises her hand.

New book chapter sheds light on the health of older people in the Ruhr region

Dr. Alina Schmitz has published a new chapter in the anthology StadtGesundheit im Ruhrgebiet I together with Thorben Frie and Ferzaneh Fakdani.
Books with the inscription dissertation on a bookshelf in the library.

“Dortmund Demography Forum 2024: Old and young in transition” will be opened by Martina Brandt & Aladin El-Mafaalani

On November 20, 2024, the Dortmund Demography Forum will take place in Dortmund City Hall.
Invitation card for the Dortmund Demography Forum 2024.

New article in the TU Dortmund University research magazine “mundo”

Prof. Martina Brandt talks about the challenges of demographic change in the context of science communication

Prof. Martina Brandt gives keynote speech at symposium on ageing research with Federal Minister for Family Affairs in Berlin

On October 8, 2024, the symposium “Ageing research in challenging times: Impulses for Society and Politics” will take place in Berlin.
Old person hands are holding a cane.

Chair colloquium with nine internal and external PhD students and post-docs

A Chair Colloquium was held on 6 September to present and discuss current projects.
The participants of the Chair Colloquium on 6 September 2024 pose for a group photo at a vantage point. The skyline of Dortmund can be seen in the background.

Information event for the Master's programme Ageing Societies

Interested in the Master's degree programme Ageing Societies? Find out more at our online info event on 24 September 2024 at 11 am!
A student working at a table with a laptop, pencils and a notebook.

New article on Care in Migrant Families Published

A recently published article titled makes a significant contribution to the study of care in migrant families.

Opening party for the doctoral college "Challenges in ageing societies" on 21.06.2024

The opening party of the doctoral program "New Challenges in Ageing Societies" took place on the premises of DASA in Dortmund.
Group photo of the participants of the opening ceremony of the doctoral programme.

Successful workshop on "Digital Trace Data in Social Science Research"

From June 26 to 28, 2024, the workshop "Digital Trace Data in Social Science Research," organized by the interdisciplinary research area FAIR, took…
Ein Smartboard zeigt den behandelten Code im Workshop

Presentation of the Ninth Ageing Report chaired by Prof. Dr. Martina Brandt

On 11 July 2024, the expert commission presented the Ninth Ageing Report to Federal Minister for Senior Citizens Lisa Paus.

Two new publications

Claudius Garten has released two new publications together with Michal Myck and Monika Oczkowska.
Icon of the globe with a opened book

Welcome to the team!

We welcomed two new assistants in June.
Panoramic view of the North Campus with the math tower and the cafeteria.

Next information event on the Master's degree programme in Ageing Societies on 17 June 2024

Are you interested in topics such as demographic change, lifelong learning, social participation, diversity and housing and lifestyles in old age?
Photo of a woman looking at a laptop

Online information event on the Master's degree program in Ageing Societies

Are you interested in topics such as demographic change, lifelong learning, social participation, diversity and housing and lifestyles in old age?
Woman sitting at her desk with a laptop writing something down in a notebook

Dr. Alina Schmitz as a speaker at the 4th symposium of the federal program Mehrgenerationenhaus

The talk is titled "Health and opportunities for participation in times of growing social inequality".
Portrait Alina Schmitz

FAIR Workshop on "Digital Trace Data in Social Science Research"

The interdisciplinary research area FAIR organizes a three-day workshop on Digital Trace Data in Social Science Research.
Collage Portraits FAIR Workshop F. Kreuter, C. Kern, C. Haensch, C. Strasser

External visit at the chair colloquium

Chair colloquium with nine internal and external doctoral students and post-docs
Group photo of the chair colloquium at minigolf

Looking back on the spring conference "Age(ing) and Health"

From 29.02-01.03, the joint conference of the two DGS sections "Age(ing) and Society" and "Medical and Health Sociology" took place.

Admission of Dr. Alina Schmitz to the Scholarship Program for Postdoctoral Researchers and Junior Professors by the Daimler and Benz Foundation

We congratulate Dr. Alina Schmitz on this scholarship!
Portrait Alina Schmitz

Project funding by the TU Dortmund Young Academy for Dr. Alina Schmitz

icon newspaper

Current information on the joint spring conference: Age(ing) and Health: Sociological Theories and Current Findings

Sectiologos Medizin und Gesundheitssoziologie DGS​​/​​ Alter(n) und Gesellschaft DGS

New Publication: Intergenerational solidarity in a developing welfare state: The case of South Korea

New publication by Martin Gurín and Martina Brandt
Icon of the globe with an open book

Henrik Laumert receives Best of the Year Award 2023!

Portrait Henrik Laumert

Preliminary program: Age(ing) and Health: Sociological Theories and Current Findings

We cordially invite all who are interested! Registration until 19.01.2024.
Section logos Medizin und Gesundheitssoziologie DGS​/​ Alter(n) und Gesellschaft DGS

Digital expert discussion "Growing old in Germany - potential and opportunities for participation" with Prof. Dr. Martina Brandt

Mentimer cloud containing different words such as loneliness

SZ article "Germany, your future" with Prof. Dr. Martina Brandt among others

How does demographic change affect the way we live together?
Various drawn colorful faces

New Publication: Gesundheit – Teilhabechancen – Diskriminierungsrisiken

Photography of a pile of books

Keynote by Prof. Martina Brandt at the 8th International Conference "Work and Health“

white and light blue points on a black background that form a network

German-Israeli Minerva School in 2023

Flyer der Minerva School 2023

New Publication: Gesundheit im Alter: Stand der Forschung und methodische Herausforderungen

Icon of the globe with an open book

New publication: „From attitudes to social networks: National gender-role attitudes and gender differences in late-life social relationships“

Alina Schmitz has published a new publication together with Ella Cohn-Schwartz.
Red bookshelves in the university library.

Call for Papers: Age(ing) and Health: Sociological Theories and Current Findings

Section logos Sociology of Medicine and Health & Age(ing) and Society

Welcome to our team!

In the foreground one can see the green TU logo on the grass and in the background there is the Mathetower.

Second Application phase of the doctoral program "New challenges in aging societies" - Apply now!

Verschiedene bunte Icons, die sich mit Wissenschaft und Stipendien befassen

FAZ article "Aging: Curse or Blessing?" with Prof. Dr. Martina Brandt, among others.

Various colorful drawn faces

Welcome to our team!

The TU building surrounded by blooming cherry blossoms.

New Publication: Wealth inequalities in physical and cognitive impairments across Japan and Europe: the role of health expenditure and infrastructure

Icon of a globe with an open book

Podcast episode "Too young! Too old! What separates generations" with Martina Brandt, among others

Woman with a laptop on her lap

„TU Dortmund in Conversation“ with Martina Brandt and Cornelius Schubert

Campusleben mit Studierenden vor der Mensa

Information event Master's program Aging Societies

Are you interested in topics such as diversity in old age, learning in old age, social participation and housing and living arrangements in old age?
Woman is sitting in front of a laptop while having a video call

Welcome to our team!

In the foreground one can see the green TU logo on the grass and in the background there is the Mathetower.

New chapter on knowledge about health disparities in the second half of life

Frontcover des Buchs "Health Inequalities Across the Life Course"

Welcome to our team!

Portrait-Foto von PhD Michal Yehudit Levinsky draußen in einem Park.

Interview with Prof. Dr. Martina Brandt

Zeichnung von älteren Menschen vor Gebäuden im Ruhrgebiet

New publication: A longitudinal perspective on the interplay of job demands and destructive leadership on employees' work ability in Germany

Icon of the globe with a opened book

Welcome to our team!

In the foreground one can see the green TU logo on the grass and in the background there is the Mathetower.

Age-Well: Closing Conference

news-icon Konferenz

Young researchers workshop of the DGGG Section III on 20.09.2023 with Birgit Zeyer-Gliozzo

Ausschnitt des Einladungsflyers "Getting Organised"

Save the Date: 1st Bielefeld Participation Congress June 15-16, 2023

Ausschnitt des Einladungsflyers mit der Inschrift "Save the Date: 1. Bielefelder Teilhabekongress"

Event tip: "Dortmund, how can you grow old healthily in employment?" as part of the event series "City in Change" on Feb. 14, 2023


New Publication: Social inequalities and the wellbeing of family caregivers across European care regimes

Icon of the globe with a opened book

HBS Reseach Training Group „New Challenges in Aging Societies“ Approved at the Department of Social Sciences

Abstrakte Illustration mit Menschen und Computern


Portrait Henrik Laumert

Martina Brandt becomes deputy speaker in the scientific advisory board of the DZA

Portrait Martina Brandt

Website of the 9th Government Report on Older People now online

Woman with laptop

Invitation to the Research Colloquium - Care and Well-Being in Europe: Inequalities in Change

A student working at a Laptop

Inclusion of older people in German and Japanese municipalities: civic engagement and COVID-19 pandemic

 Martina Brandt and Monika Reichert from TU Dortmund University and colleagues during a visit at the "Integrated care center" Houyukai, Tokyo.

New Publication: The Role of Parenthood for Life Satisfaction of Older Women and Men in Europe

Icon einer angedeuteten Weltkugel

New book chapter "Care and Support of Older People in Times of Covid 19 - National and Communal Perspectives"

a pile of hardcovered books

Inequality in Long-Term Care

Prof. Martina Brandt in a conversation

New Publication: Inequalities in caregiving strain during the COVID-19 pandemic: conceptual framework and review of the empirical evidence

Icon einer angedeuteten Weltkugel

New Publication: Worries about inadequate medical treatment in case of a COVID-19 infection: the role of social inequalities, COVID-19 prevalence and healthcare infrastructure

Screenshot vom Abstract des Artikels

Welcome to our team!

Colorful spectral rings

New Publication „Health Limitations, Regional Care Infrastructure and Wellbeing in Later Life: A Multilevel Analysis of 96 European Regions“

Photography of a stack of books

Prof. Dr. Martina Brandt Chair of the 9th Government Report on Older People

Portrait Martina Brandt

5th Dortmund Science Conference at the Dortmunder U

Panel discussion on the topic of 'Connecting Generations' on a stage in Dortmund U

Global Gallery - Department of Social Sciences with 5 contributions

A person passes a ball to vote for a poster

Martina Brandt as new SHARE Area Coordinator „Family and Social Networks“


Invitation 5th Dortmund Science Conference on June 14, 2022 - Connecting Generations

Flyer of the 5th Dortmund science conference with a picture of the Dortmunder U

Welcome to our team!

The picture show the Mathetower and a cherry blossom

Welcome back to the TU Dortmund!

Poster with an inscription on campus

Book review "Men and the Transition to Retirement” in Psychologie Heute

Excerpt from the book cover "Men and the Transition to Retirement

Research Explorer Ruhr 2022: Dr. Faisal Munir as a guest at the chair

Logo UA Ruhr

Save the Date: 5th Dortmund Science Conference 14 June 2022

Flyer of the event with information and picture of the Dortmunder U

Young researchers workshop of the DGGG Section III on 11.09.2022 with Alina Schmitz

Open notebook

Welcome to our team!

Portrait Birgit Zeyer-Gliozzo

We are in! Research Explorer Ruhr 2022

Logo Research Academy Ruhr

Prof. Dr. Martina Brandt becomes BiB Fellow

Colourful Faces

Dr. Nekehia Quashie now Assistant Professor at Rhode Island!

Portrait Nekehia Quashie

Judith Kaschowitz receives TU Dissertation Award 2021!

Portrait Judith Kaschowitz

New article about inequality in informal caregiving

a pile of hardcover books

Christmas greetings from the chair team

Group photo of the chair with christmas hats

Welcome to our team!

Kirschblüten und das TU Logo

Prof. Dr. Martina Brandt joins UA Ruhr Research Council

Logo UA Ruhr

FAIR research project funded by NRW with 2 million euros

Digital Figure

Invitation to the podium Altenhilfe with a presentation by Alina Schmitz

Colorful faces

Event Digital Talk/Talk at Midday with Prof. Dr. Martina Brandt

Brandt Forschung Graphic Design

Invitation to guest lectures in the seminar "Research Designs"

Workspace with laptop

ESA 2021: Presentations by team members of the chair

European Sociological Association Logo

Funding approved for German Israeli Minerva School

Collage with different Elements, a person sitting in the back with a computer

New publication by Judith Kaschowitz "Informal caregiving as a health risk"

Bookcover Informal caregiving as a health risk

Prof. Dr. Martina Brandt joins KWI-Board

KWI Logo

Presentations by Alina Schmitz and Martina Brandt at the DGMP/DGMS Congress 2021

Laptop, smartphone and notebook with pen lying on a table.

New publication "Arbeit und Altern" ("Work and Aging") with contribution by students of the master's program Ageing Societies

bookcover work and aging

Invitation to the FOKO series "The Future of Urban Housing"

Einladungsflyer FOKO

Department of Social Sciences launches social media campaign

Logo Facebook Instagram

Welcome to our team!

Cherry blossom and TU Logo

Webinar - "Dimensions of well-being" - Registration now open

Foto Webinar Dimensions On Well-Being

New Publication „Families and Family Values in German Society and German Culture”


New publication „Socioeconomic inequalities in the wellbeing of informal caregivers across Europe" by Martina Brandt, Judith Kaschowitz und Nekehia Quashie

Photography of books

New publication "Gender differences in depression in old age" by Alina Schmitz

Bookcover Gender differences in depression in old age

National report on participation now published - Prof. Dr. Martina Brandt on the Scientific Board

National Report On Participation Cover

Interview with Prof. Dr. Martina Brandt

Von der Wissenschaft des Alterns Cover

New publication on pilot study "Health and Support in Times of Corona"

Letters Support

Webinar - „Dimensions of well-being“

Picture Invitation Webinar "Dimensions of well-being"

Book reviews "Men and the Transition to Retirement”

Bookcover Men and the Transition to Retirement

Welcome to our team!

Spectal rings

Contribution to the digital kick-off event of the research network "Sorgetransformationen"

Logo research network  "Sorgetransformationen"

Results report of the pilot study "Health and Support in Times of Corona" now available

Heart and hands

New publication on gender differences in depression

Ausschnitt der Publikation "Gendered experiences of widowhood and depression across Europe"

We congratulate to the successful PhD!

Portrait Alina Schmitz

Master Plan Science of the City of Dortmund

[Translate to English:] Logo des Masterplans Wissenschaft

Neue Veröffentlichung „Alter und Geschlecht“ erschienen

older man and woman talking

We congratulate to the successful PhD!

Promotion Judith Kaschowitz

New publication on regional risk factors in Covid 19 pandemic

[Translate to English:]